PAGB response to the ASA ruling on the use of influencers in advertising

Published on: 3 July 2019


PAGB issued the following short statement in response to the publication of an ASA ruling on the use of bloggers in advertising.

John Smith, PAGB Chief Executive, comments,

“At PAGB, we have a long and distinguished track record as the self-regulatory body ensuring balanced and responsible marketing of branded OTC medicines, self care medical devices and food supplements.

“Following today’s ASA ruling, PAGB will be working with the regulators to understand the implications of this decision for member companies and the wider consumer healthcare industry.”


A longer statement was later issued explaining more about PAGB’s position:

PAGB response to ASA blogger ruling and CAP Code

John Smith, PAGB Chief Executive, comments,

“As the self-regulatory body for the consumer healthcare industry, we advise member companies on ensuring balanced and responsible marketing that adheres to advertising guidance, to maintain high standards of promotion across the UK self care industry.

“We are disappointed with the recent ASA ruling relating to a blogger partnership. As a regulatory first, the ASA challenged whether the ad used a celebrity to endorse a medicine and upheld the complaint. The CAP and PAGB Consumer Code both state that celebrities must not be used to endorse medicines. The PAGB code recognises that defining a celebrity can be a grey area and as such we have developed guidance to ensure members are able to use social media content creators without breaching the spirit of this rule.

“We believe the industry and bloggers need greater clarity about how the ASA interprets the Code in relation to celebrities. We will be working with key stakeholders to evaluate the wider implications of this decision for the consumer healthcare industry, consumers and bloggers themselves.”

Notes to editors:

PAGB, the consumer healthcare association, represents the manufacturers of branded OTC medicines, self care medical devices and food supplements in the UK.

For further information please contact: Maria Boiling or Claudia Barnett on 01273 712000 /

PAGB response to the ASA ruling on the use of influencers in advertising
PAGB response to ASA blogger ruling and CAP Code

