Get ready for outdoor life as the clocks go forward

Published on: 28 March 2021


Self care can help us make the most of time outside

After a long lockdown winter, it’s a relief to welcome lighter evenings and the chance to get together with friends and family outside.

“The start of British Summer Time is a positive milestone for millions of people in any year,” says Michelle Riddalls, Chief Executive of PAGB, the consumer healthcare association.

“It feels even better this year to be saying goodbye to what’s been a particularly tough winter for many people.

“It also comes as we’re beginning to see the relaxation of COVID-19 lockdown rules around the UK, so we can meet up with more than one person outside.

“Spending more time outside is generally very good for our mental and physical health but it helps to be prepared by making sure you have the over-the-counter medicines and products you might need, so nothing gets in the way of you enjoying the great outdoors.

“One of the most obvious is seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever), triggered by one or more of the pollens that start to circulate at this time of year.

“Hay fever can make life really miserable, with symptoms including a blocked or runny nose, itchy eyes or a cough, but there are lots of effective over-the-counter products that can provide relief, from antihistamine tablets and liquid medicines to nasal sprays and eye drops.

“Insect bites and stings are also more likely to happen if you’re outdoors for more of the time – humans aren’t the only ones who like the warmer days and longer evenings – so it’s worth making sure you have remedies to hand when you set off for a picnic or a garden gathering.

“And for the more general cuts and scrapes that children in particular might end up with from outdoor activities, an over-the-counter antiseptic spray or cream is useful.

“Finally, for some of us, the gradual easing of COVID-19 restrictions means we can get back to playing the outdoor sports we love.

“But if you’ve done nothing apart from lockdown walking in the last few months – or if you haven’t even done much of that – you may rediscover muscles you didn’t know you had!

“A pain relief spray, gel or patch can help ease any aches and pains until you’re back up to speed.

“All of these products can help you make the most of what we all hope are sunnier times ahead.

“If you need advice or more information about any of them, a pharmacist can recommend which ones might be most suitable for you and your family.”

Get ready for outdoor life as the clocks go forward

