PAGB welcomes Stay Well Pharmacy campaign

Published on: 12 February 2018

Stay Well Pharmacy poster

PAGB welcomes the new NHS Stay Well Pharmacy campaign which launched on 12 February.  The campaign encourages people, in particular the five million parents of children under five, to use their local pharmacist first for advice about minor health concerns.

John Smith, PAGB Chief Executive, said:

“PAGB and its member companies will be fully supporting the new Stay Well Pharmacy campaign. Pharmacists are ideally placed to give people advice and support them to self care for minor health concerns, ensuring they get fast access to effective treatments, without the need to wait for a GP appointment or visit A&E. Not only is this better for the individual, but it saves NHS resources and GP’s time for the people who really need it. We’re delighted, therefore, that the Stay Well Pharmacy campaign will signpost people to visit their local pharmacy and hope lots more people will make the pharmacist their first port of call for advice on treating their minor health concerns.”

PAGB is a partner in the Stay Well Pharmacy campaign and PAGB member companies will be supporting the campaign by including the campaign logo in advertising, marketing and instore materials.

