PAGB response to research linking long-term use of aspirin and increased risk of bleeding

Published on: 24 January 2019


New research by Kings College London* has suggested that people aged 53 to 74 regularly taking aspirin have an increased chance, by more than 40 per cent, of experiencing major bleeding. The study suggests that for middle-aged and older people currently in good health, the benefit of regularly taking the drug is not worth the risk of bleeding.

John Smith, PAGB Chief Executive, said:

“People taking over-the-counter aspirin for short periods of time should not be concerned by this research.

“Over-the-counter aspirin is an effective and appropriately safe way to provide short-term pain relief if used in accordance with the clear on-pack instructions and the patient information leaflet inside.

“Anyone who has concerns about taking a medicine should speak to a pharmacist for advice.”

*A study by King’s College London published in Journal of the American Medical Association

PAGB response to research linking long-term use of aspirin and increased risk of bleeding

