Relaunch of the Health and Food Supplements Information Service (HSIS)

Published on: 11 May 2017


HSIS, the Health and Food Supplements Information Service (HSIS), today launched its new website and revealed a fresh new logo and brand identity.  HSIS is a communications service funded by PAGB (Proprietary Association of Great Britain).

PAGB supports the provision of balanced and accurate information on vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Evidence from National Diet and Nutrition Surveys suggests that many people struggle to meet recommended intake levels for several vitamins and minerals[1]. Food supplements are an important way to meet nutritional gaps where a person is unable to achieve the required levels of nutrients through diet alone.

HSIS works with a panel of independent experts to provide information and comment to the media on diet and nutrition issues with the aim of improving understanding of the role of food supplements in maintaining good health.

The new HSIS website provides detailed information about the function, intake, origin, use and interactions of individual vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, botanicals and other nutrients in its searchable A to Z of nutrients.

There is also a news blog including statements, briefings and video content; a library of research and reports from PAGB, HSIS and HSIS experts; and information about regulation. Users are invited to browse the frequently asked questions about food supplements with the option to submit a question to HSIS; and can ‘meet the experts’ to find out more about the independent panel of diet and nutrition specialists.

For more information about the Health and Food Supplements Information Service or to request an interview with an HSIS expert please contact

HSIS launches new website and brand identity

