PAGB statement on UK-EU negotiations over Northern Ireland Protocol

Published on: 22 November 2021


As discussions continue between the UK and the EU over the implementation and impact of the Northern Ireland Protocol, Michelle Riddalls, CEO of PAGB, the consumer healthcare association, said: “We welcome these ongoing talks. Our member companies have faced varying degrees of uncertainty about their eventual trading and regulatory position in relation to Northern Ireland ever since the UK voted to leave the European Union in 2016.

“This uncertainty has led to fluctuating predictions about the future availability of over-the-counter medicines in Northern Ireland.

“The outlook has certainly improved since the beginning of the year, as I said last month in evidence to the House of Lords European Sub-Committee on the Ireland/Northern Protocol.

“With the standstill arrangements currently in operation and the ongoing negotiations between the UK and the EU, we are in a different and more positive place than that of a few months ago.

“However, there is still work to done. Industry needs certainty and needs it as soon as possible, which is why it remains so important to achieve a negotiated settlement, supported by all of the parties involved.

“For the sake of the consumer healthcare industry and all of those who rely on it to care for themselves and their families, we hope very much that the current discussions will continue until that goal is reached.”

PAGB statement on UK-EU negotiations over Northern Ireland Protocol

