Policy: PAGB submission to 'Items which should not routinely be prescribed in primary care' consultation

Published on: 16 October 2017


PAGB has responded to NHS England and NHS Clinical Commissioners consultation on ‘Items which should not routinely be prescribed in primary care’ arguing that introducing prescribing restrictions before implementing measures to support greater self care could result in unintended consequences which would place a higher burden on NHS services and calling for greater clarity about the next stages of the consultation.

PAGB is concerned that NHS England and NHS Clinical Commissioners are missing an opportunity to empower people to self care in a sustainable way that will lead to a reduction in GP appointments and A&E visits for self-treatable conditions, as well as making savings on the prescription bill. Increasing people’s capacity to look after their own health and wellbeing and reducing their dependence on NHS services for conditions which can be self-treated with the advice of a community pharmacist has the potential to release more than £2 billion of efficiency savings. A system-wide approach is needed.

A national strategy for self care is required to provide the leadership and policy coordination to implement a range of measures to better equip people to self care. If prescribing restrictions are introduced, the implementation should be timed to first allow other self care initiatives to be embedded first.

A summary of PAGB’s submission is below:

Read our previous press release about this consultation.

DOWNLOAD PAGB response to items not routinely prescribed consultation

