PAGB welcomes consultation on reclassification of Maloff Protect

Published on: 24 March 2017


PAGB is supporting moves by Glenmark Pharmaceuticals to reclassify Maloff Protect and make it available over-the-counter in pharmacies in the UK.

Maloff Protect is an anti-malaria medicine which will be used in the prevention of malaria in adults travelling to areas where malaria is prevalent. The Commission on Human Medicines has advised the Medicines and Healthcare products Agency (MHRA) that this product can be available as a Pharmacy medicine.

MHRA is currently consulting on the proposal to reclassify Maloff Protect from a prescription only to a pharmacy medicine. PAGB will be responding positively to the consultation.

John Smith, PAGB Chief Executive, comments:

“Over-the-counter availability offers people faster and easier access to effective medicines and reduces pressure and costs on GPs. Where a medicine can show it has a good safety profile and the condition it treats is suitable for self care, reclassification is very positive and should be encouraged.

“Advice on malaria prevalence is readily available to people online from the UK Government through the TravelHealthPro website and other sources. It makes sense, therefore, to enable people who are travelling to these regions to purchase their antimalarials from a pharmacy prior to their trip, rather than having to book a GP appointment, something we know can involve up to a three-week wait.

“Pharmacists are highly-trained healthcare professionals with the skills and expertise to advise people on any medications and vaccinations needed before travelling. Many pharmacies already offer dedicated travel health clinics and some also have online tools which offer information in addition to the advice available in store.”

PAGB welcomes consultation on reclassification of Maloff Protect

