PAGB response to the BBC’s coverage of salt levels in soluble OTC medicines

Published on: 14 February 2023


Michelle Riddalls, PAGB Chief Executive: “The comparison by the Morning Live programme of salt content in soluble products, versus fast food is not an appropriate or fair comparison. Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines are designed to provide short-term relief from a range of uncomfortable and painful conditions. People should not be taking these medicines regularly for long periods of time. Information about appropriate use is contained on the packaging and in the patient information leaflet. 

“The sodium in effervescent medicines helps them to dissolve in water. The availability of soluble medicines provides an alternative choice for people who can’t, or don’t like to, swallow tablets or capsules. Sodium is not a ‘secret ingredient’ as stated by the programme and is clearly listed in the product’s label.  

“Anyone who has concerns about taking a soluble medicine, particularly those with high blood pressure, or on a low sodium diet should speak to a pharmacist for advice on the most appropriate product for them. Pharmacists are highly trained healthcare professionals and can provide useful information on over-the-counter medicines and treatments.” 


Notes to editors:      

PAGB, the consumer healthcare association, represents the manufacturers of branded OTC medicines, self-care medical devices and food supplements in the UK.  

For further information please contact Farhana Hawthorn, Media and Public Affairs Manager,, 07522616526   


