PAGB response to concerns over children’s cough medication

Published on: 1 December 2017


John Smith, PAGB Chief Executive comments:

“There are a wide range of effective cough medicines available over-the-counter which are suitable for children for short-term-use. Parents who use these medicines to relieve the symptoms their children are experiencing should not be concerned by these reports.

“It can be distressing for a parent to see their child in discomfort, and these medicines can play an important role in helping to reduce the symptoms of a cough and make their child feel more comfortable.

“It’s important to remember that cough medicines will not ‘cure’ a cough. If used in accordance with the instructions on the packaging and in the patient information leaflet, then cough medicines are an appropriately safe way to help relieve the symptoms.

“Coughs on average last a week or two and the key is to identify the most troublesome symptom and to choose an appropriate product. If any parent is concerned about the use of cough medicines they should speak to their pharmacist in the first instance.  Pharmacists are highly trained healthcare professionals and can provide useful information and advice on over-the-counter medicines and treatments suitable for children.”

PAGB response to concerns over children’s cough medication

