PAGB welcomes RCGP ‘three before GP’ advice

Published on: 29 December 2017


PAGB fully supports the Royal College of GPs’ advice to think “three before GP”.

The Royal College of GPs is advising people to ask themselves these three questions before booking a GP appointment:

Can I?

  1. self care
  2. use NHS Choices or another trusted website for advice
  3. seek advice/treatment from a pharmacist.

Donna Castle, PAGB Director of Public Affairs and Communications, said:

“PAGB fully supports this excellent advice from the Royal College of GPs. By looking after ourselves and our families in this way, we can all help make sure GP appointments are available when they are really needed.

“There is a wide range of medicines and treatments available to buy from pharmacies and supermarkets which can offer relief from common self-treatable conditions, such as coughs, colds, indigestion and allergies. If you need advice or aren’t sure which medicine is suitable for your symptoms, the NHS Choices website has useful, reliable information or your local pharmacist can provide expert advice and support.”

