PAGB reaction to announcement on phase one EU Exit negotiations

Published on: 8 December 2017


PAGB welcomes the announcement that the UK and EU negotiators have reached agreement on phase one of the EU Exit negotiations, which should allow for talks to move to phase two and the UK’s future relationship with the EU.

John Smith, PAGB Chief Executive comments:

“Consumer healthcare companies need to make business decisions now about licensing and manufacturing to ensure people in the UK and across the EU are still able to buy over-the-counter products, such as Anadin, Beechams, Calpol and Gaviscon, after the UK leaves the European Union in March 2019.

“PAGB welcomes the news that the EU Exit negotiators are happy to recommend to the EU that negotiations can move on to discussions about the UK’s future relationship with the EU. We urge politicians on both sides to quickly agree arrangements for a simple, streamlined transition period of five years to provide businesses with clarity and certainty to ensure there is no disruption to the supply of medicines, self care medical devices and food supplements.

“PAGB also welcomes that both parties have agreed the principles that goods on the market before withdrawal can continue to freely circulate on the markets of the UK and the Union with no need for product modifications or re-labelling. Thereafter, PAGB believes it is vital that appropriate mutual recognition agreements are put in place to allow over-the-counter and self care products manufactured in the UK to continue to be exported to the EU and vice versa.”

