PAGB response to research investigating the effect of nicotine on coronavirus

Published on: 30 April 2020


Researchers in France are to test nicotine patches on people with coronavirus and frontline health workers after a study suggested that nicotine may have a protective effect against the virus.

John Smith, PAGB Chief Executive, said:

“Nicotine replacement therapy can play an important, clinically-proven role in helping people to stop smoking cigarettes. However, it is not intended for any other use.

“We understand that research is under way to investigate any possible effect of nicotine against coronavirus but as yet there is no validated evidence showing it to be beneficial or otherwise in this regard.

“Therefore, until conclusive evidence is available, no-one should use nicotine replacement therapy for any other reason than to help them stop smoking.

“People using nicotine replacement therapy to help them stop smoking should always read the label and only use the product according to the instructions.”




PAGB response to research investigating the effect of nicotine on coronavirus

