PAGB CEO Michelle Riddalls gives evidence to House of Lords committee

Published on: 21 October 2021


Michelle Riddalls, CEO of PAGB, the consumer healthcare association, appeared before the House of Lords European Affairs Sub-Committee on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland on 20 October to discuss the impact of the Protocol on the provision of medicines to Northern Ireland.

Speaking after the evidence session, Michelle Riddalls said:

“PAGB has been monitoring the situation in Northern Ireland in relation to over-the-counter medicine supplies since the UK’s EU exit, with input from member companies.

“Last year I co-chaired a Department of Health and Social Care ‘deep dive’ group to look at the potential impact of the Northern Ireland Protocol. PAGB was also involved in the negotiations that led to the UK/EU agreement to phase in the new medicines regulation arrangements in Northern Ireland by the end of 2021.

“As I said in my evidence to the House of Lords committee, this grace period has helped in the short term.

“However, there is still significant uncertainty and concern about how the situation will unfold and the detrimental effects on availability of over-the-counter medicines in Northern Ireland if we reach the end of the grace period without further agreement on future arrangements.

“Any such agreement must be negotiated and supported by all parties involved. We will continue to work on behalf of all of our members towards that outcome.”

The full session of the House of Lords European Affairs Sub-Committee on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland discussing the impact of the Protocol on the provision of medicines to Northern Ireland is available here.

PAGB CEO Michelle Riddalls gives evidence to House of Lords committee

