The common health conditions that can be treated at home this Christmas

Published on: 7 December 2016


December is a busy time of year, but as many of us finally stop and relax in between Christmas and the New Year, the cold weather, stress, plentiful socialising and overindulgence can all lead to some of us suffering from the winter lurgy over the festive period.

Many common self-treatable conditions, such as cold and flu, are often short- lived and can normally be treated at home with rest and an over-the-counter (OTC) medicine to help treat and ease the symptoms. If you need advice on what to do or what to take, your local pharmacist will be able to help.

John Smith, Chief Executive of PAGB (Proprietary Association of Great Britain) comments:

“In the days before and after Christmas and New Year, A&E departments tend to experience an increase in the number of people visiting due to the fact that many GP surgeries are shut during this time. Therefore, it’s important that people manage self-treatable conditions at home when appropriate, particularly those who are young and otherwise healthy, so that NHS services can be available for emergencies and those that are seriously ill.

“Many local pharmacies will be open throughout the Christmas break, so we would advise people to visit a pharmacist for advice in the first instance. Pharmacists are highly trained healthcare professionals who will be able to recommend the appropriate course of treatment. If your local pharmacy isn’t open, then the NHS 111 non-emergency number can help to assess your symptoms and will direct you to medical care if necessary.”

Steve Riley, community and clinical pharmacist shares his advice on how to treat common self-treatable conditions that may be experienced during the Christmas break:

The common health conditions that can be treated at home this Christmas

