ASA ruling on ASEA LLC

Published on: 24 May 2023


A recent ASA ruling features a misleading food supplement ad that combines medicinal claims and exaggerated unsupported health claims.

Claims which state or imply that a food can prevent, treat or cure human disease, i.e. medicinal claims are prohibited. The ASEA LLC ad made the following non-compliant medicinal claims:

Only authorised health claims appearing on GB Nutrition and Health Claims Register can be used. Specific health claims concerning a particular nutrient’s benefit to health within an area, system or process in the body, appear in the register. A general health claim refers to a general benefit of a nutrient or food for overall good health and needs to be accompanied by a specific authorised health claim.

The ASEA LLC ad made several non-compliant health claims:

ASEA LLC t/a ASEA Redox responded that one of their distributors was the source of the misleading ad. It was not approved to be used in the UK, and it would have been flagged by their compliance department if they had seen it. They said they would take steps to prevent it being used again.

To learn more about how to successfully market food supplements join our Food Supplements Advertising Workshop – the next one is on Tuesday 19 September.

