International Self Care Day (Self Care 24/7)

Published on: 20 July 2020


International Self Care Day is held annually on 24 July to remind us all that self care is important 24/7.

PAGB, along with colleagues and healthcare professionals across the world, supports this awareness day through media and outreach activities to amplify conversations about self care.

Share our messages on social media. We’ve created some images and gifs to use online. Go to resources.

This year we’re focusing on people’s attitudes to self care and how they’ve changed as a result of the experience of living during the coronavirus pandemic.

We asked 2000 people to tell us about what they would previously do when experiencing symptoms of a minor illness such as a headache, indigestion and sore throat. We wanted to know how people’s attitudes and behaviours might have changed in the face of physical and psychological barriers to accessing the NHS during this time.

“I’m more likely to try self care and only go to GP and A&E when absolutely necessary”

We found that the experience of lockdown has meant A&E and GP services are less likely to be the first port of call for those with self-treatable conditions in future while more people will choose to care for themselves if they can.

This suggests the sharp fall in numbers attending A&E departments and GP surgeries during lockdown could lead to a longer-term shift away from inappropriate use of NHS resources – and free up huge savings for reinvestment in services – if people feel properly supported and informed about self care.

Read our media release to learn more.

For full results contact .


We encourage you to use International Self Care Day as a opportunity to promote messages around self care. Follow us on twitter @PAGBselfcare and Linked In and retweet/share our posts us spread the word about self care.

We’ve also made our twitter cards available for you to download and use.  We’ve suggested accompanying text (but feel free to use your own!) Please remember to include our handle @PAGBselfcare and to tag other organisations in the self care space to help amplify the messages.

@PAGBselfcare survey found 71% of people will think twice about going to A&E for self-treatable conditions and
51% are less likely to go to the GP first

#selfcare #coronavirus #ISCD2020 #SelfCareNation

Use of NHS quote card 1 (animated mp4)

Use of NHS quote card 1 (png)


@PAGBselfcare survey shows coronavirus has impacted people’s view of using the NHS. Enhancing the role of pharmacists will support people who say they’re more likely to #selfcare.

#SelfCareNation #coronavirus  #ISCD2020

Use of NHS stat card 1 (animated mp4)

Use of NHS stat card 1 (png)


@PAGBselfcare survey shows a shift in attitudes towards using the NHS, with more people choosing to #self care if they can. We need policies in place that support self care to help embed self care behaviours.

#SelfCareNation #coronavirus  #ISCD2020

Use of NHS stat card 2 (animated mp4)

Use of NHS stat card 2 (png)


86% of people in @PAGBselfcare survey agree A&E and GP appointments should only be used when absolutely necessary. Up from 81% in 2016

#selfcare #coronavirus #ISCD2020 #SelfCareNation

Use of NHS quote card 2 (animated mp4)

Use of NHS quote card 2 (png)


Almost 1 in 3 people (31%) are more likely to ask a pharmacist for advice following the pandemic. New survey from @PAGBselfcare shows a shift in people’s attitudes towards #selfcare

#SelfCareNation #coronavirus #ISCD2020

Pharmacy first quote card (animated mp4)

Pharmacy first quote card (png)


@PAGBselfcare survey suggests coronavirus will change attitudes to NHS use. Fewer unnecessary GP and A&E appointments could save the NHS more than £780m a year
#selfcare #SelfCareNation #coronavirus  #ISCD2020

Pharmacy stat card (animated mp4)

Pharmacy stat card (png)


New survey from @PAGBselfcare shows people more willing to #selfcare and seek advice from #pharmacist. #SelfCareNation #coronavirus #ISCD2020

Self care stat card (animated mp4)

Self care stat card (png)


1 in 3 responding to @PAGBselfcare survey say the coronavirus pandemic has changed their attitude to using NHS services. #NHS needs to lock-in positive changes to enable more people to self care.

#selfcare #coronavirus #ISCD2020 #SelfCareNation

Self care quote card (animated mp4)

Self care quote card (png)


We’re supporting our international colleagues and their campaigns for International Self Care Day too.

Check out the AESGP’s campaign on ‘Self care generations’ in which they’re exploring people’s experience of self care at different life stages.

AESGP is the Association of the European Self-Care Industry. Visit


Find out more about self care from a global perspective from the Global Self Care Federation.

Visit for more.

