PAGB welcomes advertising rules reminder

Published on: 27 March 2020


In the face of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Advertising Standards Authority has issued a reminder about the rules governing marketing of consumer healthcare products.

John Smith, Chief Executive of PAGB, said:

“As the UK continues to grapple with the many extraordinary challenges presented by Covid-19, we welcome this reminder from the Advertising Standards Authority about the need for all companies to behave responsibly and in accordance with the law in relation to marketing activities.

“UK regulations state very clearly that only licensed medicines and appropriately-certified medical devices can claim to prevent or treat illness, in line with their clinical evidence. In addition, all PAGB members must comply with PAGB’s own codes of practice, which contain the same stipulation.

“While some OTC products will help people with relief from some of the reported symptoms of Covid-19, there is currently no clinically-proven cure. All manufacturers – whether of licensed medicines, medical devices or otherwise – should therefore pay close attention to the regulations and the ASA’s reminder.”

HBW Insight’s article about advertising rules


PAGB welcomes advertising rules reminder

