PAGB response to The Academy of Medical Sciences report

Published on: 21 June 2017


In response to The Academy of Medical Sciences report “Enhancing the use of scientific evidence to judge the potential benefits and harms of medicines”, Donna Castle, Director of Public Affairs and Communications, comments:

“Ensuring people can access easily understandable and reliable information about their medicines is a priority for the consumer healthcare industry. This is why PAGB is an active supporter of the Self Care Forum, a charity which helps to promote self care and improve health literacy.

“All OTC medicines are sold with Patient Information Leaflets which pass through extensive user-testing to ensure their readability, but we recommend if anyone has any concerns about a medicine, they should speak to their local pharmacist. Pharmacists are expert healthcare professionals who can provide advice and information about medicines, yet we know that less than 10% of people currently visit their pharmacist to access this support.

“This is an important report from the Academy of Medical Sciences which acknowledges the good progress being made by regulators and industry and recognises how continuing collaboration might drive further improvements in levels of patient understanding about medicines.”


