Enabling self care in Greater Manchester: a green paper.

PAGB seeks collaboration with policymakers in Greater Manchester to drive self care in line with the area’s own plans for health devolution.

  • £22.5 million could be saved in Manchester each year if self care policies were put in place, which could pay for 229 doctors or 1,500 nurses
  • PAGB green paper outlines policy initiatives that will empower people in Greater Manchester to take charge of their health and wellbeing
  • PAGB is keen to work with healthcare professionals and key stakeholder groups within the region to support the implementation of policy initiatives and to help shift the system towards a greater focus on preventative care

A green paper published by PAGB has revealed several areas where the NHS in Greater Manchester could do more to promote self care for self-treatable conditions, helping to reduce the pressure on local health services and drive cost savings in the region.

PAGB is now seeking feedback on the proposals set out in the green paper from local policymakers and healthcare professionals.  Responses should be sent to pagb@incisivehealth.com.

For more information contact info@pagb.co.uk