Webinar recording: The economic value of the over-the-counter sector

Published on: 10 August 2023


To mark International Self-Care Day, PAGB launched a groundbreaking report providing the most up-to-date figures to quantify the economic value of the over-the-counter (OTC) sector. The report, undertaken by Frontier Economics and commissioned by PAGB, showcases the current and potential impact of OTC usage in the UK.

Watch a recording of the webinar where PAGB’s Chief Executive Officer, Michelle Riddalls, unveiled the findings to over 200 people. The webinar also featured a panel discussion, which was chaired by Dr Hilary Jones, and featured Bas Vorsteveld, President of PAGB and VP & General Manager in Great Britain and Ireland for Haleon; Daleep Singh, consultant at Frontier Economics; and Mark Burden, community pharmacist.

Click to watch a recording of the Self-Care Day webinar:

