Advertising guideline: food supplements


PAGB Guideline on the Marketing and Advertising of Food Supplements

Categories: Food supplements 

Access: PAGB members and associate members only.  Not a member of PAGB? Find out more about membership here

About this guideline

PAGB’s Guideline on the Marketing and Advertising of Food Supplements provides detailed guidance on what you need to consider when planning and developing your marketing campaigns.  In the guideline, we explain and interpret the legislation relevant to food supplements advertising and provide examples of what you can and can’t do when advertising food supplements products to consumers.

The guideline should be read in conjunction with the relevant legislation (see Appendix 1 for links). It has been agreed with PAGB’s Primary Authority, Cambridge and Peterborough, which has confirmed that products and advertising which adhere to the requirements in this guideline would be considered compliant with the current interpretation of food law.

The guideline also includes an introduction to the regulatory framework for food supplements including the Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation and the Great Britain nutrition and health claims (NHC) register; explains PAGB’s review process for consumer advertising; and includes detailed checklists to assist members in preparing promotional materials which comply with statutory regulatory and self-regulatory requirements.


Further guidance on food supplements advertising is available here. (PAGB members only). Not a member of PAGB? Find out more about membership here

For food supplements regulatory advice, contact

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Developed 2020.

Published February 2021


For more information about this guidance, please contact

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