PAGB welcomes agreement on medicines regulation for Northern Ireland after EU exit

Published on: 6 November 2020


The UK Government has announced that, following an agreement with the EU, new regulations governing medicines regulation in Northern Ireland will now be phased in by 31 December 2021, allowing more time for businesses to prepare.

In a joint statement, PAGB and five other bodies representing the EU and UK pharmaceutical industry welcome the agreement as ‘a pragmatic step in the right direction’.

Michelle Riddalls, CEO of PAGB, who worked closely with officials at the Department of Health and Social Care to help prepare for negotiations leading up to the agreement, said:

“This is a very positive step which means PAGB member companies will be able to continue to supply medicines to Northern Ireland from Great Britain throughout 2021, whilst preparing to make the changes to continue ongoing supply into 2022.

“This announcement is due in no small part to industry and DHSC officials working in partnership to make a clear case for a derogation to the EU negotiators.

“All of the team’s hard work has really come together and I’d like to thank all the companies that supplied data to help us provide evidence for why the derogation was needed.”

PAGB welcomes agreement on medicines regulation for Northern Ireland after EU exit

