GSCF - the Global Self Care Federation

The cultural, political and regulatory environments for over-the-counter medicines, self care medical devices and food supplements are constantly evolving. Across the globe, there is a shared determination from consumer healthcare industries to work together to promote self care.

By working closely with our international colleagues in the Global Self Care Federation, PAGB is able to engage with global institutions and seek to influence policy decisions with the aim of supporting self care. PAGB attends meetings of the GSCF as one of the representatives of AESGP, the European Self-Care Industry. We engage with GSCF on  regulatory affairs, herbal medicines, food supplements, medical devices, economic affairs and communicating the importance of self care for the wider health of society.  We contribute to global studies, and share information and expertise with other global self care associations and consumer healthcare industry representatives.

PAGB, through our European association, AESGP, is a signatory to the Global Self Care Federation Code of Ethics, published in 2020.

The code commits signatories to a set of principles including transparency, honesty and fairness, as well as to collaboration with regulatory organisations and the use of up-to-date scientific evidence when providing information to consumers and health care professionals.

Read our statement welcoming the code, here.