PAGB welcomes code of ethics for self care industry

Published on: 13 August 2020


MORE than 30 membership bodies and companies around the world have pledged to follow a new code of ethics drawn up by the Global Self-Care Federation.

The code commits signatories to a set of principles including transparency, honesty and fairness, as well as to collaboration with regulatory organisations and the use of up-to-date scientific evidence when providing information to consumers and health care professionals.

Signatories to the document include the Association of the European Self-Care Industry (AESGP), of which PAGB is a member.

Michelle Riddalls, Chief Executive of PAGB, said:

“The GSCF Code of Ethics is a welcome step. It sets out clearly the standards by which the global consumer healthcare industry should operate at all times.

“Together with the codes of practice that already guide manufacturers of over-the-counter products and medical devices – for example, around advertising rules – the GSCF document will help to maintain and enhance confidence in the integrity of the industry.

“This is vital at a time when the coronavirus pandemic has made us more aware than ever before of the importance of effective, appropriate self care, both as a way to protect the health of individuals and to relieve unnecessary strain on scarce health service resources.”



PAGB welcomes code of ethics for self care industry

