PAGB response to Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP speech and publication of technical notices in preparation for a ‘no deal’ exit from the EU

Published on: 23 August 2018


PAGB welcomes the publication of the Government’s technical notices outlining how medicines and medical devices will be regulated and tested in the event of a ‘no deal’ exit from the EU at the end of March 2019.

John Smith, Chief Executive, said:

“The technical notices address a number of concerns that PAGB and its member companies have been raising with officials since the referendum in June 2016. We are reassured that the Government and Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) have taken these concerns on board and sought to put plans in place which address those issues.

“Over-the-counter medicines and self care medical devices are important products that people use every day to treat minor health concerns, so they can get on with their lives, going to work and fulfilling caring responsibilities. PAGB member companies are already putting plans in place to do all they can to minimise any disruption to the supply of these products if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.

“The technical notices published today will give member companies a greater degree of certainty on which to base their contingency planning and some reassurance as to how important regulatory processes and procedures will operate in the UK in the event of a ‘no deal’ exit.

“We welcome the additional clarity these technical notices provide but look forward to continuing to work with the Government and MHRA as the negotiations with the EU progress.

“PAGB will continue to call on UK and EU negotiators to agree a future relationship with close regulatory alignment and mutually recognised standards to ensure that after the UK leaves the EU there are no fewer over-the-counter products available and those products are no less safe than they are today.”

